Laxmi Cargo Carrier  - Near Hatt Road

Office No. 10, Near Hatt Road, Safidon, Haryana

Services : Car Carrier, Household, Bike Shifting

About Company

Laxmi Cargo Carrier is one of the renowned auto transportation companies in Safidon whose car relocation services have witnessed a great demand all over India. In fact, many individuals have been counting on our expert services for a long time because they are aware of the fact that we have been one of the first-rate moving companies with consistency all the way. We are backed by a team of honest and focused staff that makes certain that none of the damages in form of marks or scratches occur to the vehicle while being transported to the customer’s chosen destination. We realize the significance of a car and it is very important for a end user to look for a car shifting company that can take the entire responsibility of handling the same with professionalism.


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